Standard on Electrical Energy Storage Workshop

Standard on Electrical Energy Storage Workshop is Held in Beijing


The Standard on Electrical Energy Storage Workshop is held sucessfully by US-China Energy Cooperation Program(ECP), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA), U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), U.S Consulate General Shenyang and Meishan-California Smart City Institute (MCSCI) On March 4, 2021. As an important topic in the series of workshops on energy standards,this workshop attracted more than 130 participants from energy storage, energy,standards and related government agencies and research institutions via online and offline.

Although the energy storage industry has been affected by the epidemic in 2020, driven by endogenous power and multiple positive elements such as external policy and carbon neutral target, the installed capacity of energy storage has grown substantially against the trend. China's energy storage industry has entered a new stage of "scale development" from the "initial stage of commercialization". The energy storage developments of China and the United States have leadingpositions in the world, and the demand for international cooperation in technology, projects, standards, and policies is more important in the context of global energy transformation and carbon neutrality.

The meeting was presided over by Mr. Xu Fang, chief representative of American National Standards Institute in China. Mr.Yu Zhenhua, executive vice chairman of China Energy Storage Alliance, Mr. Carl Kress, director of East Asia region of US Trade and Development Agency,Ms.Nancy Abella, Consul General of U.S Consulate General Shenyang,and Mark Thurber, cochairman of board of directors of US-China Energy Cooperation Program delivered the opening remarks, describing the  intention, cooperation background and expectation of the workshop.

Eight experts from China and the United States on power, energy and standards were invited to deliver speeches on the standards, technologies, prospects and challenges of the energy storage industry. The experts have summarized the development of electrical energy storage in China, shared and interpreted the safety standards and regulations of energy storage system in North America, outlooked how automation and virtualization technology can drive the future power market, and discussed some best practices and cases of the application of energy internet energy storage technology,smart micro grid, distributed energy, energy storage in the power industry, IDC industry and smart city grid.

By inviting well-known industry energy businesses in the United States and China's energy think-tank experts,they share deep analyses in the field of clean energy, especially the current situation and future trends on electrical energy storage industry development, hope to be able to work through constructing the international standard platform for the exchange and cooperation, continuous promotion of the internationalization of energy-storage tagging work professionally exchanges and cooperation. Mr. William Toerpe,Commercial Officer of FCS of the U.S. Embassy in China, mentioned in hissummary that energy storage standards are of great significance to the environment and safety. Promoting energy storage, protecting the environment and promoting the development of clean energy can more effectively deal with climate change. Ms. Stephanie Duran, director of the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) China office, also points out in the closing speech that energy storage is a dynamic and emerging industry in the US, China and around the world, necessitating continuous development and enhancement of energy storage standard for the safe application of high-quality technology. As energy storage technologies continue to evolve,industry is well positioned to establish and refine the standards needed to accelerate technology development, support the development of policies and regulations, promote the adoption of clean energy. It is hoped that the workshop series will open the subsequent depth of long-term cooperation in the field of energy storage international standards.